Point reduction algorithm Ramer - Douglas - Peuker
This algorithm is also known as Ramer–Douglas–Peucker. The algorithm was developed independently by Urs Ramer in 1972 and by David Douglas and Thomas Peucker in 1973.
Given \(C\) be a path by set of \(n \) ordered points:
\(C=\{P_1,P_2,\dots,P_n\}\) and an tolerance rate \(\delta > 0\)
We define function \(fReduce(points, start,end,\delta)\) is the function to reduce points in \(points\) from \(start\) index to \(end\) index as following:
Let \(i=[(start+1) \dots (end-1)]\)
Calculate \(d_i = d(P_i, \overline{P_{start}P_{end}})\) inwhich:
\(\overline{P_{start}P_{end}}\) is the line segment that connects \(P_{start}\) and \(P_{end}\)
function \(d(P_i, \overline{P_iP_j})\) is the function to measure the Euclidean distance from \(P_i\) to \(\overline{P_iP_j}\)
Find \(d_{max} = \max d(P_i,\overline{P_{start}P_{end}})\)
If \(d_{max} \le \delta\): remove all points \([P_{start+1} \dots P_{end-1}]\)
If \(d_{max} > \delta\) at the \(k^{th}\) index, we split the \(points\) at \(k\) and makes 2 recursive calls:
\(fReduce(points, start,k,\delta)\)
\(fReduce(points, k, end,\delta)\)
Source Code
// pointIndices is the array to store points after reduction process
function fReduce(points, firstPoint, lastPoint, tolerance, pointIndices){
let maxD = 0;
let indexFurthest = 0;
for (let i=firstPoint + 1; i< lastPoint - 1; i++){
let distance = dPointLine(points[i], points[firstPoint], points[lastPoint]);
if (distance > maxD){
maxD = distance;
// lưu index của điểm xa nhất
indexFurthest = i;
if ((maxD > tolerance) && (indexFurthest != 0)){
// recursive calls
fReduce(points, firstPoint, indexFurthest, tolerance, pointIndices)
fReduce(points, indexFurthest, lastPoint, tolerance, pointIndices)
Calculate distance from a point to a line
Distance from \(A\) to \(BC\) is the length of \(AH\). Knowing:
$$\displaystyle S_{ABC} = \frac {AH \times BC} {2} \implies AH = \frac {2 \times S_{ABC}} {BC}$$
\(S_{ABC}\) can be calculated by the cross product of those vectors \(\overrightarrow{AB}\) and \(\overrightarrow{AC}\):
$$\displaystyle 2 \times S_{ABC} = |\overrightarrow{AB}||\overrightarrow{AC}||\sin \theta|=|\overrightarrow{AB} \times \overrightarrow{AC}| \implies AH = \frac {|\overrightarrow{AB} \times \overrightarrow{AC}|} 2$$
With \(\theta\) is the angle by \(\overrightarrow{AB}\) and \(\overrightarrow{AC}\).
Souce code
// calculate distance from point p1 to line p2p3
function dPointLine(p1, p2, p3){
let area = Math.abs(0.5 * (p2.x * p3.y + p3.x * p1.y + p1.x * p2.y - p3.x * p2.y - p1.x * p3.y - p2.x * p1.y))
let bottom = p2.dist(p3);
let height = area / bottom * 2.0;
return height;